

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Breaking out of the Box: Extending the health LIS professional role - skills and strategies (BREAKOUT)!





Welcome to the Breaking out of the Box (BREAKOUT) web pages. BREAKOUT is an online interactive course on new health LIS roles funded by the National Library for Health, that is being delivered by email and Web pages as part of the FOLIO Programme. It has been designed to equip information professionals with the confidence and knowledge required to meet the challenges offered by new and extended roles in healthcare information.


The BREAKOUT course begins on Monday 3rd March 2008 and ends on Friday 25th April 2008. To keep track of the course so far, see the BREAKOUT archive. To see an outline of upcoming course materials and exercises, see the BREAKOUT course timetable.



BREAKOUT Course Materials...


Key materials:



  • The portfolio template for the course is available to download here: please select either the Group-supported version or the Self-directed version depending on which route you are following. (Please note that this Wiki works best if you open these files in a new window)


  • Assessment criteria for the portfolio: your portfolio will be assessed by either the Group-supported criteria or the Self-directed criteria depending on which route you are following. (Please note that this Wiki works best if you open these files in a new window)





Creativity and Innovation Briefing


What is Self-Efficacy? Briefing


Mentoring Briefing 


The Changers Library Story:



Part 1: Personal qualities


Part 2: Achieving self-efficacy


Part 3: Movers and Shakers


Part 4: Developing your potential


Other materials:


Extending the librarian role – Conversation briefing


The BREAKOUT Rooms- Group discussion forum for Day 10


MBA Interview with Graham Walton


PhD Interview with Suzy Paisley: Recording and Transcript 



Course aim...

This course aims to equip information professionals with the confidence and knowledge required to meet the challenges offered by new and extended roles in healthcare information with an emphasis on the acquisition of personal skills and strategies.



Course objectives...

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

• Assess their own suitability for a variety of extended health LIS roles.

• Identify the importance of self-efficacy as a key strategy when facing new and unfamiliar challenges.

• Describe the main stages of development to be undergone in pursuit of an extended role within health librarianship.

• Develop personal strategies to enable them to acquire other organisational roles outside health LIS that nevertheless build on the information skills base.

• Rehearse appropriate training and development methods that may be used to effect a transition to new roles.

• Engage with fellow participants in discussing issues connected with personal and professional development.


Useful references

For more information about equipping yourself for an extended role see the following references:

Fisher, B. Hallam, G. Partridge, H (2005). Different approaches - common conclusions: the skills debate of the 21st Century IFLA PUBLICATIONS 116, pages 41-52. (Also available as New Review of Academic Librarianship 11 (1):13-29.) http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/cpdwl-Fisher_Hallam_Partridge.pdf

Omekwu CO, Eteng U (2006) Roadmap to change: emerging roles for information professionals. Library Review 55 (4): 267-277

Pantry S and Griffiths P (2003) Your Essential Guide to Career Success. Facet Publishing: London.

Stephens, D; Hamblin, Y (2006) Employability skills: are UK LIM departments meeting employment needs?: The results of a survey of employment agencies identifies gaps in UK LIM curricula in the UK. New Library World, 107, 5-6, 2006, 218-227.

Walton G (2004) Developing innovative services and managing change. In: Walton G and Booth A. Exploiting knowledge in health services. Facet: London; p 137-146.


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