

Page history last edited by FOLIO Team 14 years, 9 months ago

Week 1: Introduction- Personal qualities


3rd-7th March


#1- Monday 3rd : Introduction to the course (Reading)

#2- Tuesday 4th :Buddy icebreaker (Buddy group task)

#3- Wednesday 5th: Creativity and Innovation Briefing (Reading)

#4- Friday 7th : Personal qualities (Story) and Personal qualities (Individual Task)



Week 2: Pursuing Self-efficacy


10th-14th March


#5- Monday 10th- Introduction to Key Informant task (Reading and reflection)

#6- Wednesday 12th- What is Self-Efficacy? Briefing (Reading)

#7- Thursday 13th- Self-Efficacy in a Library Context (Guided reading exercise)




Week 3: Facilitation and Empowerment


 17th-21st March


#8- Monday 17th-Achieving Self-Efficacy (Story) plus Achieving Self-Efficacy (Buddy group task)                         

#9- Tuesday 18th- Key Informant Exercise (Individual task)    

#10- Wednesday 19th- Facilitation and Empowerment (Group discussion/debate)     




Reading Week: 24th-28th March


Competition time!


Week 4:  Developing an extended librarian role


 31st March-4th April


#11- Monday 31st- Extending the librarian role Conversation briefing (Reading)

#12- Tuesday 1st April- Extending the librarian role (Individual task)

#13- Thursday 3rd – Movers & Shakers (Case studies) plus Movers & Shakers (Buddy group task)



Week 5: Developing a wider organisational role


7th-11th April


#14- Monday 7th – Developing a wider organisational role (Reading)

#15- Tuesday 8th -Developing a wider organisational role (Individual task)

#16- Thursday 10th April- Quiz- Extended roles




Week 6: Testing the Water


14th-18th April


#17- Monday 14th– Secondment and Shadowing (Case studies) and Secondment and Shadowing (Buddy group task)

#18- Tuesday 15th- Management and Leadership Development (Guided reading exercise)

#19- Thursday 17th- Mentoring Briefing (Reading)

#20- Friday 18th- Academic Development (Case studies – PhD & MBA) 


Week 7: Development and Training/Conclusion of course


21st  -25th April


#21- Monday 21st – Developing your potential (Story) and Developing your potential (Task)

#22- Wednesday 23rd– Quiz Answers

#23- Thursday 24th– Course summary

#24- Friday 25th- Evaluation/Conclusion and Farewell to buddies






28th April- Competition results




Portfolio submission: Friday 9th May


Portfolio submission instructions



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